Monday, November 2, 2015

Worst Halloween costumes. NBA edition

                                             I'm sure there is a box a douche inside the box
Delladova with the "ahhhh fuck it, give me the hospital scrubs"

                              Skinny Jeans, and a Guns belly shirt.  Is this a hipster Axl Rose?
Jimmer Ferdete and his arts and crafts project.  Anybody that pegs their pants and has a Halloween costume that goofs on their significant other is a mark ass buster 

whut ..........

This isn't a costume but nothing makes me happier than Yao Ming holding a wine glass

Russ can't be great at everything.  
Imagine being the intern that had to go and have this stupid shirt made?  Carlisle is a insufferable ass.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Contest time! Chance to win a Steph Curry Davidson throwback jersey!

Sponsored by Kamchatka Vodka.

Name the owner of this Throw Back Thursday haircut:

Post the answer with your twitter handle to enter 

Bron trying to trick people on Instagram

After getting his shot blocked by one of the grumpiest Euro's in the NBA, LeBron took to Instagram to calm Cavs fans nerves about his back.  To bad it was a repost from this summer.   
LeBron has nobody on his team that will tell him he needs to shut it down till after the All-Star break.  He knows that without Irving and himself, there is a realistic chance that the Cavs could not make the playoffs.   Would you trust JR Smith and Kevin Love running the ship for half a season?    

There is no way LeBron makes it through the season

 It's never good to see your superstar player watching the game from the floor.  Neither is having a dude's hands near your dick and balls.
                                                           Right Celtics fans?