Monday, October 26, 2015

The NBA had a twitter contest this afternoon to give away all the shit they can't sell on their website. And probably to promote the 2015-16 season.   And boy did they keep it corporate....  

Yep. This was the contest.  Watch our new spot and wax poetic about how layup line drills reminds you of your dead Grandfather.   I'm not sure the marketing department knows their demographic.  

 This was the winner..Seriously.    Could you imagine having some people over to watch a game and this dude shows up?   "hey guys, I have something to say.  I love the NBA and amazing things happen.  There is never a dull moment AND ..there never will be."   Who wouldn't want to kick this guys ass?  He's probably the guy that asks if you have any Zinfandel in the fridge during a game.  

I understand that most of the fanbase wasn't born when Tim Duncan was a rookie but lets cut the shit NBA.  How about you have a "take a selfie with your thumb up your ass" contest?   Although the NBA has a commissioner that looks like he's never picked up a basketball in his life, what do you expect.

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